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What's open at Norwich Castle

During our major development project Norwich Castle: Royal Palace Reborn some areas of Norwich Castle are not open, including the medieval castle, dungeons and battlements.

There are still plenty of fantastic treasures for you to explore.

These areas are open for visitors 

  • Special Exhibitions Galleries
  • Art Galleries
  • Decorative Art Galleries
  • Boudica & Romans Gallery
  • Wider World Gallery
  • Natural History Galleries
  • The Egyptian collections (in a temporary display in the Arts of Living Gallery)
  • Royal Norfolk Regimental collections
  • New restaurant
  • New shop

These areas are closed to visitors

  • The original medieval Castle, battlements and dungeons - due to fully reopen in early 2025.
  • The Anglo Saxon and Viking Gallery - we don't have a reopening date for this gallery yet.
  • The main Egyptian gallery (highlights from the Egyptian collections are on display in the Arts of Living Gallery) - we don't have a reopening date for this gallery yet.

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